President Biden and Vice President Harris Welcome BTS to the White House
President Biden and Vice President Harris welcome BTS to discuss the need to come together in solidarity, Asian inclusion and representation, and addressing anti-Asian hate crimes and discrimination.
The White House
President Moon Jae-in & BTS at the Sustainable Development Goals Moment | United Nations
Remarks and introduction to Special Guest by His Excellency, Mr. Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea Remarks and performance by BTS, Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture.
United Nations
Explaining the Impact of K-Pop, BTS, and Korean Soft Power
As K-pop groups like BTS and others sweep the fandom of millions worldwide, Korean soft power has expanded. One powerful result of this trend is a rising interest in learning the Korean language. Dr. Sahie Kang, director of the School of Korean at the Middlebury Language Schools, explains the influence of K-pop in expanding Korean soft power.
Carnegie Endowment
The Stunning Artistry of BTS’s “Black Swan”
Media Coverage
Delia Harrington executes a tightly-choreographed dance through the evolution of BTS’ pop hit, “Black Swan.”
Harrington, D.
Meet the huge, leaderless web of fans fueling BTS 🎶 Ashley Hackworth, BTS A.R.M.Y.
Media Coverage
An interview hosted by Mia Quagliarello, Maggie Zhang, and Mira Zhang (Maggie’s little sister) with Ashley Hackworth, a savvy community builder who’s a leading force in A.R.M.Y. (adorable representative MC for youth), the K-pop supergroup BTS’s incredibly loyal, benevolent, and powerful fan base. We talked with Ashley about how fans gather initially around BTS’s music, and then stay and unite for bigger causes.
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