“IT’S ARMY versus the U.S. Army”: K-pop Fans, Activism, and #BLACKLIVESMATTER
Journal Articles
This article considers fan activism within the BTS ARMY, particularly in relation to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Laura Springman
Is BTS Different? Shared Episodes on SNS as a Good Indicator for Celebrity Endorsed Ad Effects
Journal Articles
A study examining the effects of celelbrity advertising using BTS endorsed ads.
Kyunghee Bu and Whoe Whun Kim
Interview with Dr. Murray Stein
Journal Articles
An interview with Dr. Murray Stein, author of several books about BTS in relation to the work of Carl Jung.
The R3 Journal
Hurt Before Healing
Journal Articles
"I enjoy hearing how people share what made them fall in love with the songs and stories BTS shares with the world. Yet, I am hesitant about sharing my own."
Ana-Michelle Lavandier
How Music Fans Shape Commercial Music Services: a Case Study of BTS and ARMY
Journal Articles
They investigate the music group BTS and its fan community, ARMY, as a case study to better understand how music fans interact with commercial music services. This work aims to fill the gap in prior MIR user research by: 1) Investigating the contextual factors that influence users’ engagement with music services 2) Attending more closely to music fans as an important subset of users.
Jin Ha Lee & Anh Thu Nguyen